
Thursday, October 9, 2014

Game of Thrones animation - All 4 Seasons in 1 Video

Game of Thrones

"Game Of Thrones, an animated journey."

This is a fan video (I suppose - but there seems to be a trend of these "fan" videos being covert studio promotions, so consider this a quasi-official teaser and you won't be far off, I think) made using Photoshop / After effects of the HBO drama "Game of Thrones." It covers everything up to date - which, incidentally, is kind of funny because it illustrates how little actual plot there really is to these shows, but that's neither here nor there.

Game of Thrones

If you are a fan, you require no explanation. If you are not a fan, you probably aren't interested anyway, but no prior knowledge is required to enjoy the video.

Game of Thrones

This was directed by BlackMeal and Baptiste Pagani. It tries to sum up all the major happenings from the first four seasons of Game of Thrones in under a minute. Obviously, these are spoilers for the TV show if you have not seen it. It is like Cliff's notes for the show but leaves out a lot of plot and deaths and other details.

An animated version of Game of Thrones in this style actually is not a bad idea. Since the show is such a success, I wouldn't discount the possibility of that happening someday after the original production goes off the air. It's been done before.

Game of Thrones

From the page:

Inspired by the HBO series GAME OF THRONES
Directed by
Baptiste Pagani
Art Direction
Vincent Ben Abdellah
Mael Francois
Baptiste Pagani
Thomas Lecomte
Matthieu Colombel
2D artists
Adeline Sim
Melanie Gohin
David Darmon
Carine Crespin
Music : « A Lannister Always Pays His Debts », Ramin Djawadi
Copyright: (c) 2013 WaterTower Music / Home Box Office, Inc.


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