Thursday, December 12, 2013

Disney Animators on Strike 1941

An Animated Picket Line!

Disney animation strike 1941

The strike at Disney just before the country entered World War II was one of the most colorful and animated strikes in history. I include these pictures here because this shows what animators can do even when they are not working on films.

Disney animation strike 1941
1941 Disney Animation Strike.
The moral of this picture is if you want to see some of the most creative and funny strike signs be mean to your animators. Walt Disney was notoriously hard on his animators, getting the maximum production out of them at the cheapest cost.

Disney animation strike 1941

Moral of the story: never upset your animators or you'll face some of the fiercest protest signs ever!

Disney animation strike 1941

Disney animation strike 1941

Disney animation strike 1941

Disney animation strike 1941


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